10/25/2023 0 Comments The Business of Busy-nessAt our homeschooling co-op this past week it was our family's turn for presentations and devotion. Admittedly, I was nervous to stand up in front of the group and speak. But not necessarily because I was concerned about people judging, making a mistake, or even feeling uncomfortable speaking in front of people in general. No, what I was nervous about was creating a devotion that would be meaningful, relevant and shared in a way that conveys the magnitude, splendor and gravity of our Creator. It came to me several times throughout the week that exploring this theme of 'busy-ness' might be something worth looking at more closely. Busy-ness is something I have struggled with for quite some time, and so it felt like a fitting topic to both dive deeper into, and then share what I discovered. See, God is so good--that even when there are aspects of our lives that distract us from relentlessly pursuing Him, he does not react in anger. Instead, he is like a patient, loving parent. Gently guiding and showing us our challenges and nudging us in the direction of greater edification. Here is what I learned in that week of preparation for this devotion:
What are we busy with? Anything and everything. The endless to-do lists, appointments, the housework, driving to all the kids' activities, making time for friends and family, keeping ourselves health, exercise, careers, side hustles. You name it. As a mother and human being living in the 21st century, busy is a way of life--sometimes even glorified. Having a full social calendar is often treated like a badge of honor. Checking off endless tasks on your never-ending to-do list giving a sense of self-worth and importance. But as children of God, we are not called to find our worth and value in outward accomplishments and filled up calendars. We have inherent value because we were created by a loving God, and at the most basic element of our nature we are Love. How easy it is to forget this! But scripture tells us to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness." (Mathew 6:33) If we are so busy that we forget to connect with our Source of being, then all we do loses its effectiveness. How much harder is it to keep the peace while moving through all of these daily activities and tasks without the supernatural peace that passes understanding. Taking a moment to remember God in all that we do, is the beginning of a life well-lived. Checking in with the Holy Spirit, praying for discernment on which activity will actually serve our highest and the good of all, before springing into action--is the lesson I am learning and re-learning at the moment. So why the busy-ness and struggle in this area? Spirit revealed in my inner being 3 contributing factors that lead me to worship a full schedule, rather than aligning myself to the will of God in my day: Avoidance Maybe I am feeling guilty about something, maybe there's a sin that hasn't been dealt with--something I know I should have given up, or should have done differently, that leads me to hide from my Maker. Maybe there's unprocessed trauma within which makes it really uncomfortable to sit in stillness. Maybe I don't feel worthy or good enough to stand in the presence of the Almighty being that breathes galaxies into being. Maybe that level of might and power and goodness just feels intimidating. Or maybe it's some variation or combination of all of these. Avoiding the stillness and presence of our Source for any of these reasons is a lie of the lower mind, or the Enemy-- which wishes to keep us in separation, need and lack. Apathy When we feel like our prayers, intentions and will make no difference, what is the incentive to pray? What is the incentive to pray if we feel like our prayers aren't being heard or aren't effective anyway? Jumping into action without first connecting to the Source of our being is like a tree cut off from its roots. Anxiety This area was probably my biggest aha throughout the week. I jump into action, and carry so much of the burden--especially when it comes to my kids, because I am anxious for their futures. Constantly asking myself what activities should they be involved in to ensure they are set up for success in their future? If we don't do this activity or this curriculum or swim in this social circle could they be royally screwed when they grow up? This doesn't only apply to children. If we carry the anxiety of our future success and happiness on our own shoulders, the outcome just may be over-activity and burnout. But to finish that verse from Matthew..."But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." In other words, if we entrust our futures, and the future success of our children to God, knowing that He has "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11), then we have the freedom to let go of the pressure of excess activity and outward motion. There's no doubt that activity is an aspect of life as a human. But how we choose to move through that activity, and the things we choose to do with our time make all the difference in the world. Throughout this week of self-reflection I have been reminded to "cast all my anxiety on Him because He cares for me (1Peter 5:7)." Whatever plans God has for me and my children will happen and He will make a way just like He always has. What a relief! So what are some of the practices that support us in carrying this awareness with us throughout our day-to-day? Some of the things that work for me: Mindful breathing Scripture Getting out in nature Conversing with the Creator Connecting with the Higher Self (that aspect of our selves that is always at one with the Creator) Journal High vibe/worship music Taking a pause Prayer There's lists and reminders posted all over my office, in my car, in my wallet, on my bathroom mirror you get the picture. I intend to keep this list close and reflect on it often. After all, I don't have time to waste on busy-ness. Presence sounds like a much more appealing modus operandi. How will you connect with your center and keep your eyes fixed on your Creator this week?
10/12/2023 0 Comments Peace is an Inside Job![]() With everything going on in the world. In the news, on tv, social media and closer to home-- at gas stations, grocery stores, driving on the road, car line at after school pick up, the parking lot...it is easy to feel hopeless, that peace is an impossible dream of the naive few who dare to dream it. But with a subtle shift in perspective, one arrives at the conclusion that of course, peace is readily available to all who seek it and understand where to find it. If you are looking for peace in the external--in another person, at the end of the next reel or short, in the myriad of entertainment options available on a multitude of streaming services, on a date with a beloved, while enjoying a piece of chocolate cake or anything else you might experience 'out there,' you will likely be waiting a while. If you are yearning for the end of a world at war, conflicts of all kind and a ceasing of the sort of trouble we see in the endless 24-hour news cycle, and you are hoping for some external event to come and fix it all--you had better be patient. Waiting for this kind of peace is futile. Sure, you might enjoy a dopamine fix or a rush of good feelings trying to fix things 'out there.' But as far as peace goes, real peace--a deep and lasting peace can only come from within. Now I know some may be reading this and thinking to themselves, hold on. Peace comes from above. It is Heavenly. It comes from my Father, from my guides, from any other higher power to whom we have entrusted our faith and hope. And while this may be true...only the deposit of these heavenly qualities has been placed within us. It is up to us, the individual seeker, to nurture, cultivate and develop this gift of peace from within. Paul the Apostle, the great creator of most of the Christian doctrine we refer to as the Bible, wrote of peace, "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone" Romans 12:18. Well easy for him to say. He wasn't being bombarded by keyboard pirates on social media, horrible news on constant replay streaming right into his pocket, his great aunt wasn't sitting across the table from him wearing a MAGA hat and his nephew wasn't an LGBTQ activist questioning his gender identity. And these would be accurate statements. The troubles of his time were indeed much different, yet there were definitely troubles. In fact, Paul wrote most of the New Testament from a Roman prison. Nothing like the prison we conjure in our mind's eye today. No this would have been brutal, inhuman living conditions. And yet, he also writes "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:6-7. So yes, in this way, peace--true and lasting peace is a gift from God. However, there are things we must do--both things listed in the verse above, and additional practices that support us in our efforts to bring this peace into its full expression and maturity. While I may not have endured imprisonment in a Roman jail cell, I've experienced a different kind of prison. I've been in the pit of despair, hopeless, godless, fretful, anxious, addicted, envious, and downright confused. By the grace of God I have been scooped out of those experiences by and large, but also by my own actions. Inspired actions I have been led to take by that Spirit that is eternal, timeless and infinite. Prayer, the practice of yoga, EFT tapping, alternative therapies like EMDR and hypnosis, a regular meditation practice, journaling and an unquenchable thirst to seek the Truth from the essence of my Soul. All of these have continued to cultivate this good and beautiful deposit of peace within me. One of my favorite things to say while leading a yoga class through a series of standing balance poses is that 'a seasoned yogi would be able to stand in tree pose, totally undisturbed, maintaining their Drishti or inner focus, anywhere--even in the middle of Times Square.' How much practice and devotion would that level of inner focus require? This is what is required of us all. Imagine for a moment what the world might be like if each of us were able to access that level of inner peace--no matter what disturbances might be happening around us. This is our work. To discover for ourselves the practices and tools that support us each in our path to acquire this level of peace anew each morning. I encourage you to reflect on yours. And if you are wanting a little extra support for your journey visit our Offerings section to explore the ways we might be able to partner together. The majority of us humans are hurting by what is happening and has been happening for millennia on this planet. Let NOW be the time we take the reins and responsibility for our own little corner of time and space. Let us all recognize the great power we have within us to BE the change we wish to see in the world. |
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