Whenever I can, I spend my mornings in my own heart coherence session. It is a time of deep reflection and introspection. A time when the world is quiet, and I allow myself to listen to, commune with and connect with the Christ within. Typically, these sessions begin with a host of questions, ranging from the most mundane to the profound, existential inquiries of my soul.
I have recently had a disturbance in my spirt over the apparent contrast, or even conflict, between the practice of manifestation and, the spiritual practice of surrender, or submission to the Divine. How can someone be simultaneously harnessing their creative powers to carry out the desires of their own heart, while also yielding to the will of God? The question was troubling me a considerable amount, so I brought it into my session today. The wisdom received was so profound, liberating and exciting that I felt compelled to share. Here is an excerpt from my morning heart coherence session: Question: What is the balance between submitting/surrendering to Divine will BUT also harnessing our God given creative power? Are we supposed to create the "Kingdom" here on Earth, OR the innermost desires of our heart here on Earth? Answer: When a person is walking a life that is aligned to Me these ideas are one in the same. The closer a person walks with Me, the closer the desires of their heart will line up with My will for them. And in this way, manifestation or creation becomes one in the same with surrender, and in fact an act of devotion. Human beings have enormous creative power--whether each individual is aware of that fact or not. MOST people are co-creating their reality unconsciously, BUT for those that are consciously creating--they are either doing so for the benefit of the World, ego and selfish desires OR in submission to and collaboration with the Higher Self, or that aspect of the soul that is connected with and one with the Creator. God has given the gift of creation and creativity to His children with the intent that this gift would be used to bring Heaven to the Earth--NOT to fulfill the personal will. It is natural to desire luxuries and personal treasures, and even permissible to enjoy these things BUT only as a biproduct of aligning your personal will to the Way, and never at the expense of it. The promises of God, His peace, provision and abundance speak to the condition of the heart, or the spirit--NOT only to the material things of this world. Focusing only on these things is a perversion and misuse of the energy of God. It is time now for the children of Earth to claim and embody these creative powers, as endowed by their creator, to bring Heaven to Earth. I am so thankful for the clarity I have received around this concern and thrilled to be on the Path. Not only tapping into my own God given creative power, but also supporting and empowering others to do the same. May you be blessed, and may you be a blessing to others--in your thoughts, words and deeds today and always.
11/27/2023 2 Comments Discerning TruthWhat we believe matters. Our worldview, beliefs and values largely shape our actions and the ways that we show up in the world. For those of us with a passion to seek an absolute Truth, that pursuit can be a struggle. With a seemingly endless cacophony of mixed messaging, opposing sides and contradictory information, how could a person ever come to rest on one timeless, eternal Truth? My intention today is not to share necessarily the Truths I have come to adapt, but instead to explore and to give testimony to the ways in which I approach Truth. As a seeker, I have an innate passion for searching out what is true in an intentional, and at times vigorous way. Curiosity is etched into my soul like the fingerprints on my hand, I have always had a knack for questioning everything and often (to the dismay of my mother) challenging ideas or widely accepted approaches to life that seemed nonsensical to me. Quickly I learned that there are about as many approaches to life as there are humans on the planet, and each person holds his or her own perspectives and beliefs about the nature of reality, whether consciously or unconscious to that fact. At around the age of 20 I became super conscious of my relationship with reality and Truth, and so began my intentional, purposeful quest in discovering it. You see, our values and what we hold to be true will greatly shape the ways we move in the world. What we hold true can cause us to be a magnanimous force for good, or cause us to instill division, hatred and fear. A person can look at the same text or paragraph and interpret its content in such a way that promotes either love or fear. To me, the ultimate Truth is Love. I came across one of my earliest conflicts around discerning truth in a rather benign context. I had in my early 20s devoured all of the Harry Potter books and found them to be an engrossing story of the power of Love overcoming evil and fear. As a spiritually awakening young woman, this series had an almost religious significance to me, as it felt so close to the heart of the Jesus I was growing to know and love. I had, at this point in time, not really questioned my perspective on this cult classic. Fast forward to my early 30s, when in a Bible study, I was told to burn all of my Harry Potter books because the witchcraft in its pages is offensive to God. So which is it? Aligned with the Love and goodness of the Creator, or evil work of literature destined to corrupt the hearts and minds of all who read it? As silly as it sounds, this issue caused me a great deal of angst, as it matters most to me that I am in alignment with the Divine. This conflict is but a tiny example of a vast array of issues that arise in today's age of division and polarization. Black Lives Matter or Blue Lives Matter? Vaccines save lives, vaccines hurt people? Bodily autonomy, right to life? Liberal, conservative? Israel, Palestine? Fox news, CNN? Fake tree, real tree? In a world with endless information and the overwhelming number of opinions and perspectives accessible at all hours of the day, how on Earth are we supposed to wade through it all and sift out the truth from the lies. Many Christian friends of mine would share that the only way to know the real Truth is to find it in the Bible, the buck stops there. And while that does resonate, it doesn't answer the question on how spiritually masterful people practicing other faiths --Gandhi, Ram Das, Rumi and teachers like Wim Hof ---have arrived at Truth and wisdom without consulting the Bible. It also doesn't account for the thousands of denominations within Christendom that each interpret the Good Book in their own, unique, often contradicting, individual way. The Bible is one of the richest, most poetic, wise, prominent and important texts in our world. But wouldn't a Muslim say the same about the Kuran? Or a Hindu say that about the Bhagavad Gita? How do we know *for sure* that our particular line of thinking, and the texts and teaching we are placing our faith and hope in are actually the Truth? How do we know if we should be a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Muslim, an Atheist, an Agnostic, a Catholic, a Unitarian, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, Latter Day Saint and the list could go on forever? To someone like me, who burns with a relentless pursuit of Truth and wisdom, and who loves God, discerning these things has taken on utmost importance. My process for forming beliefs about the world is intentional, with a spirit of humility, recognizing that any belief or worldview I might hold is likely greatly distorted, given my flawed human nature. Scripture even tells us that our human minds are incapable of holding and understanding the whole Truth regarding the nature of reality and the Creator, as in 1 Corinthians 13:12, "for now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." There is a veil that shields us from the Ultimate Reality. And until that veil is completely lifted, either by death or a radical shift in consciousness, we are only able to graze the coattails of Truth. And so, even though I do hold certain unwavering convictions, I am tolerant and accepting of viewpoints opposed to mine. We are all just humans doing our best to walk each other home--even if we aren't hip to that fact. So what is my process? I've come to trust my inner knowing first and foremost. Intuition is a God given gift. You can call it the presence of the Holy Spirit, you can call it Prana or Chi, but ultimately--that life force that flows within me, and all beings, is the lifeforce that gifts spiritual sight, commonly called intuition. Inner knowing is not the same as egoic knowing in the mind, and it can take some time to develop the muscle of intuition, and the ability to tell the difference between egoic thought and intuitive nudges. I have arrived at the conclusion that all people are born with this innate ability to speak the language of God. When presented within an idea or teaching, I pay attention most to how it feels within the body. And this of course requires a certain level of sensitivity. Engaging in certain ways of thinking and being will dull this sensitivity, and likewise, living in alignment with the Spirit, or Divine will heighten this Awareness and develop this muscle. I experience this in my own life regularly, and when my sensitivity feels dull, I know that some shifting in habits, beliefs and behaviors may be in order. So--what are the actual, physical sensations that cue what is True for me? 1. Truth Bumps--also called 'goosebumps,' these tingles will happen when I encounter and am in the presence of a great Truth. 2. Emotion--when I sense something is True I will often have a spontaneous emotional experience. I will well up with tears, feel sorrow or joy. Feelings beyond the everyday range, but more intense and timeless. 3. Expansiveness--when I am weighing something within myself, to discern whether it is True or in alignment with the Creator, I will come to a quiet place in my heart and mind and determine whether a particular perspective gives me a feeling of expansiveness or contraction in my chest and solar plexus region. The Truth always 'sets you free' as the saying goes and will yield a sense of vastness and expansion, while fear will lead to a shrinking and contracting sensation. Many of my dearest friends will seek Truth in the Bible and then form their beliefs based on what they have read. That approach does not naturally flow from my heart or work for me. While I do regard the Bible as the primary literary source of Truth in my life, I typically tune in to the resonance within my body first, and then refer to the wisdom found in Scripture to test what I am feeling. I have never had an intuitive nudge that was counter to what Scripture shares. That being said, there is wisdom and Truth to be found in many texts, works of fiction, other religious texts and works of scientific discovery. To me the Truth is the Truth, no matter where you find it. Many Christians might take offense to the idea that I might find Truth in sources outside of Christianity or the Bible, they may even think it heretical, and that is okay too. We are all navigating this Reality the best we know how. For me, intuition and critical thought are the cornerstones of teasing out Truth, and the Scriptures entrusted to us are meant to be supportive to those faculties, not the other way around. With the Holy Spirit alive in me, God gifts me with the ability to hear His voice and know His Truth, and that is a spiritual gift I treasure above all else. With this Spirit I can detect and discern the presence of the Source of all Life regardless of human labels. God's magnitude could never be contained within the pages of a book, even a book filled with Truth and wisdom like the Bible. The Book is beautiful and a tremendously valuable resource and map for right living, but its human authors are flawed conduits attempting to convey the supernatural via human hands and minds--seeing as if through a mirror dimly. Even Jesus called into question Moses and his earlier interpretation of God's will when He cast doubt on the doctrine of divorce. Jesus was approached by the Pharisees as they attempted to test and trip Him up. They interrogated Him on the Old Testament teaching that a husband could divorce his wife. And Jesus responded "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning" Matthew 19:8. More than a teaching on divorce, this teaching shows my heart that even the authors of Scripture are flawed humans, reinforcing my belief that tuning in to the presence and will of the Holy Spirit is the first step in discerning what is True. In a future entry, I will share some of my favorite ways to tune in to the moving of the Holy Spirit, and some common pitfalls that may dull your spiritual sight and make it more challenging to connect to the Creator and the higher aspects of yourself. I hope this post blesses and inspires you. If you are a new seeker, or wanting to refine and hone your intuition, we have some great tools and tips for you. Click the button below to contact us so that we can partner together as you traverse the winding Path of awakening. Namaste and God bless <3 10/25/2023 0 Comments The Business of Busy-nessAt our homeschooling co-op this past week it was our family's turn for presentations and devotion. Admittedly, I was nervous to stand up in front of the group and speak. But not necessarily because I was concerned about people judging, making a mistake, or even feeling uncomfortable speaking in front of people in general. No, what I was nervous about was creating a devotion that would be meaningful, relevant and shared in a way that conveys the magnitude, splendor and gravity of our Creator. It came to me several times throughout the week that exploring this theme of 'busy-ness' might be something worth looking at more closely. Busy-ness is something I have struggled with for quite some time, and so it felt like a fitting topic to both dive deeper into, and then share what I discovered. See, God is so good--that even when there are aspects of our lives that distract us from relentlessly pursuing Him, he does not react in anger. Instead, he is like a patient, loving parent. Gently guiding and showing us our challenges and nudging us in the direction of greater edification. Here is what I learned in that week of preparation for this devotion:
What are we busy with? Anything and everything. The endless to-do lists, appointments, the housework, driving to all the kids' activities, making time for friends and family, keeping ourselves health, exercise, careers, side hustles. You name it. As a mother and human being living in the 21st century, busy is a way of life--sometimes even glorified. Having a full social calendar is often treated like a badge of honor. Checking off endless tasks on your never-ending to-do list giving a sense of self-worth and importance. But as children of God, we are not called to find our worth and value in outward accomplishments and filled up calendars. We have inherent value because we were created by a loving God, and at the most basic element of our nature we are Love. How easy it is to forget this! But scripture tells us to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness." (Mathew 6:33) If we are so busy that we forget to connect with our Source of being, then all we do loses its effectiveness. How much harder is it to keep the peace while moving through all of these daily activities and tasks without the supernatural peace that passes understanding. Taking a moment to remember God in all that we do, is the beginning of a life well-lived. Checking in with the Holy Spirit, praying for discernment on which activity will actually serve our highest and the good of all, before springing into action--is the lesson I am learning and re-learning at the moment. So why the busy-ness and struggle in this area? Spirit revealed in my inner being 3 contributing factors that lead me to worship a full schedule, rather than aligning myself to the will of God in my day: Avoidance Maybe I am feeling guilty about something, maybe there's a sin that hasn't been dealt with--something I know I should have given up, or should have done differently, that leads me to hide from my Maker. Maybe there's unprocessed trauma within which makes it really uncomfortable to sit in stillness. Maybe I don't feel worthy or good enough to stand in the presence of the Almighty being that breathes galaxies into being. Maybe that level of might and power and goodness just feels intimidating. Or maybe it's some variation or combination of all of these. Avoiding the stillness and presence of our Source for any of these reasons is a lie of the lower mind, or the Enemy-- which wishes to keep us in separation, need and lack. Apathy When we feel like our prayers, intentions and will make no difference, what is the incentive to pray? What is the incentive to pray if we feel like our prayers aren't being heard or aren't effective anyway? Jumping into action without first connecting to the Source of our being is like a tree cut off from its roots. Anxiety This area was probably my biggest aha throughout the week. I jump into action, and carry so much of the burden--especially when it comes to my kids, because I am anxious for their futures. Constantly asking myself what activities should they be involved in to ensure they are set up for success in their future? If we don't do this activity or this curriculum or swim in this social circle could they be royally screwed when they grow up? This doesn't only apply to children. If we carry the anxiety of our future success and happiness on our own shoulders, the outcome just may be over-activity and burnout. But to finish that verse from Matthew..."But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." In other words, if we entrust our futures, and the future success of our children to God, knowing that He has "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11), then we have the freedom to let go of the pressure of excess activity and outward motion. There's no doubt that activity is an aspect of life as a human. But how we choose to move through that activity, and the things we choose to do with our time make all the difference in the world. Throughout this week of self-reflection I have been reminded to "cast all my anxiety on Him because He cares for me (1Peter 5:7)." Whatever plans God has for me and my children will happen and He will make a way just like He always has. What a relief! So what are some of the practices that support us in carrying this awareness with us throughout our day-to-day? Some of the things that work for me: Mindful breathing Scripture Getting out in nature Conversing with the Creator Connecting with the Higher Self (that aspect of our selves that is always at one with the Creator) Journal High vibe/worship music Taking a pause Prayer There's lists and reminders posted all over my office, in my car, in my wallet, on my bathroom mirror you get the picture. I intend to keep this list close and reflect on it often. After all, I don't have time to waste on busy-ness. Presence sounds like a much more appealing modus operandi. How will you connect with your center and keep your eyes fixed on your Creator this week? 10/12/2023 0 Comments Peace is an Inside JobWith everything going on in the world. In the news, on tv, social media and closer to home-- at gas stations, grocery stores, driving on the road, car line at after school pick up, the parking lot...it is easy to feel hopeless, that peace is an impossible dream of the naive few who dare to dream it. But with a subtle shift in perspective, one arrives at the conclusion that of course, peace is readily available to all who seek it and understand where to find it. If you are looking for peace in the external--in another person, at the end of the next reel or short, in the myriad of entertainment options available on a multitude of streaming services, on a date with a beloved, while enjoying a piece of chocolate cake or anything else you might experience 'out there,' you will likely be waiting a while. If you are yearning for the end of a world at war, conflicts of all kind and a ceasing of the sort of trouble we see in the endless 24-hour news cycle, and you are hoping for some external event to come and fix it all--you had better be patient. Waiting for this kind of peace is futile. Sure, you might enjoy a dopamine fix or a rush of good feelings trying to fix things 'out there.' But as far as peace goes, real peace--a deep and lasting peace can only come from within. Now I know some may be reading this and thinking to themselves, hold on. Peace comes from above. It is Heavenly. It comes from my Father, from my guides, from any other higher power to whom we have entrusted our faith and hope. And while this may be true...only the deposit of these heavenly qualities has been placed within us. It is up to us, the individual seeker, to nurture, cultivate and develop this gift of peace from within. Paul the Apostle, the great creator of most of the Christian doctrine we refer to as the Bible, wrote of peace, "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone" Romans 12:18. Well easy for him to say. He wasn't being bombarded by keyboard pirates on social media, horrible news on constant replay streaming right into his pocket, his great aunt wasn't sitting across the table from him wearing a MAGA hat and his nephew wasn't an LGBTQ activist questioning his gender identity. And these would be accurate statements. The troubles of his time were indeed much different, yet there were definitely troubles. In fact, Paul wrote most of the New Testament from a Roman prison. Nothing like the prison we conjure in our mind's eye today. No this would have been brutal, inhuman living conditions. And yet, he also writes "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:6-7. So yes, in this way, peace--true and lasting peace is a gift from God. However, there are things we must do--both things listed in the verse above, and additional practices that support us in our efforts to bring this peace into its full expression and maturity. While I may not have endured imprisonment in a Roman jail cell, I've experienced a different kind of prison. I've been in the pit of despair, hopeless, godless, fretful, anxious, addicted, envious, and downright confused. By the grace of God I have been scooped out of those experiences by and large, but also by my own actions. Inspired actions I have been led to take by that Spirit that is eternal, timeless and infinite. Prayer, the practice of yoga, EFT tapping, alternative therapies like EMDR and hypnosis, a regular meditation practice, journaling and an unquenchable thirst to seek the Truth from the essence of my Soul. All of these have continued to cultivate this good and beautiful deposit of peace within me. One of my favorite things to say while leading a yoga class through a series of standing balance poses is that 'a seasoned yogi would be able to stand in tree pose, totally undisturbed, maintaining their Drishti or inner focus, anywhere--even in the middle of Times Square.' How much practice and devotion would that level of inner focus require? This is what is required of us all. Imagine for a moment what the world might be like if each of us were able to access that level of inner peace--no matter what disturbances might be happening around us. This is our work. To discover for ourselves the practices and tools that support us each in our path to acquire this level of peace anew each morning. I encourage you to reflect on yours. And if you are wanting a little extra support for your journey visit our Offerings section to explore the ways we might be able to partner together. The majority of us humans are hurting by what is happening and has been happening for millennia on this planet. Let NOW be the time we take the reins and responsibility for our own little corner of time and space. Let us all recognize the great power we have within us to BE the change we wish to see in the world. If this Christmas season has got you dizzy you are in good company. Every year during the holidays it feels like time speeds up; more activities compressed into less time. Whether it is shopping for gifts, events at school or work, social gatherings or even just the extra baking that happens this time of year, it can get very hectic. Not to mention the holiday blues which are as real as they are pervasive. Tis' the season to go crazy? Not necessarily. There are a few things I am doing differently this year, which are helping me to keep calm and Christmas on.
If you are anything like me, self care is one of the first things to get thrown out the window when things get busy. I skip my workouts. I pass out at night without praying, meditating, reflecting or setting intentions for the day ahead--a practice that I am usually quite committed to doing. My diet gets jacked up on sugar, carbs, caffeine...anything to keep the motor going. And what happens? By the time the New Year rolls around I am seven varieties of burnt out instead of feeling ready for a fresh start. The older I get though, the more responsibilities that pile up on my plate, the more I realize the value of taking care of me. Making my self care a priority is not selfish; in fact it is quite the opppsite. Much like the timeless airplane analogy "you've got to put your mask on first," I am best able to serve & love others when I am taking excellent care of myself. So while this holiday season is shaping up to be one of THE most hectic I have experienced yet, it is also one of the-most-joyful-ever. Here's what I have been doing to keep it together this Christmas: 1. Keep your self care routine in tact If you go to the gym regularly, wash yor face every night, give yourself a mani-pedi, a smoothy, eat healthy, shower daily, whatever-you-do-for-you...KEEP doing it! Do not let the pace of the season be an excuse to cut yourself out of your priority list. If you let these little acts of kindness toward yourself slide, you will soon find yourself resentful and unable to enjoy all of the love and beauty this season has to offer. 2. Say NO Point #1 seques beautifully into point #2. Clearly if there is more to do in less time, something will have to give. Let me repeat...that should NOT be your self care. Is there some task you could delegate to someone else? Is there a social gathering (that you may not even really want to attend anyway) you could pass on and enjoy a warm bubble bath instead? Maybe you buy store bought cookies instead of baking this year...I promise I won't tell. The biggest thing is, honor your needs enough to realize that you cannot do and be everything for everyone AND keep your sanity. Just say no, let it go and keep it moving...without apology! 3. Get Organized Make a to do list each night in no particular order. Then, look at the next day's schedule and make a time table for each of the items on your list. It is okay if you stray from the schedule the next day. Just having the visual list of what and when you need to accomplish certain things will free up mental space to live more in the moment...and that is the goal isn't it? This brings me to my next suggestion. Use an electronic calendar!!! I am a little late to the party on this one. I am kind of stuck in the 90s--such good times. I prefer pen and paper to computers or apps on my smart phone (so much so that I actually handwrite each of my blogs before I actually post them...). This was entirely true until a very dear friend of mine schooled me on the ways to make Google calendar work for me. Any time I have somewhere I have to be...whether I am volunteering at my son's school, taking a yoga class or teaching one it is in my Google Calendar. Life saving technique. 4. Sleep Admittedly this one I still need work on. Granted I have a 6 (almost 7 month old) baby who still does not sleep through the night. That said, it has been really tough for me to get back to sleep even after she does. My mind is going about a million miles a minute most of the time. What has begun to help me with this one is either journaling or making a todo list to get the thoughts out of my head and onto the paper-- so I can let them go and get some much needed zzzzzzz's. What has also begun to help is running through yoga sequences in my head--although I am pretty sure not everyone would find that tip as useful... 5. Create and have FUN! Get lost in the moment. Being organized helps with this. It gives you the ability to compartmentalize your daily tasks and even if for just a few moments, lose yourself in an activity that is just for fun. My favorite way to do this each day is to play with my kids. Board games, holiday crafts, baking cookies (because I want to, not because I need to bring them anywhere) even a social outing of your choosing. These are all examples of what I like to call 'mini vacas.' My personal favorite this season has been a Christmas ring wreath toss my son and I created and played while drinking hot cocoa. We had a blast! I have also been creating gifts for some of the people on my list this year. This has been an incredible way to not only save money, but bring me some joy and peace into my life this holiday season. If you are struggling to find balance in the midst of the holiday rush I encourage you to send me a message at [email protected] or comment below. There is always room to take care of your mind, body and soul. This is the art of yoga and my life's great passion. Thank you for sharing this passion with me. May the Spirit of the season find its way into your heart and bless you & those you hold dear. (Originally posted December 2016) It was a beautiful, crisp fall day in Charlotte. As I sat with one of my girl friends (we will call her *Lindsay* for the purpose of this blog) we chatted about small things, which led to discussion of bigger things. We explored the most mundane of topics and the deeper questions of existence. And as the conversation usually does, it turned toward the ultimate question: what is my purpose? You see, both her and I taught middle school together a few years back. We were asking ourselves the same questions then. Is this the last stop on the career train? Are we teachers for the rest of our days? With all of the long hours and grading papers and behavior issues. Having to make sacrifices at home to advance in our careers, OR having to make sacrifices in our careers to take care of things within our homes. The answer for both of us was an emphatic NO, seeing as neither one of us is working in that capacity anymore. But here we are, college educated women, one of us with a masters degree, and we are doing absolutely nothing related to our studies. In fact, we do not even receive health benefits or presitigious titles and recognition. But we are making it. And both of us are engaging in work that is fulfilling, with less demands that chip away at the time we spend in our personal spheres. Ultimately what we have been searching for, what I believe many of us have been searching for is greater balance. It is often called 'work-life' balance. I don't like that name. This makes it seem like work has to be separate from life. Such that life is where all of the good heart felt stuff sits and work is where all of the dreaded, hard heavy lifting sits. As we sat on that picnic blanket in the park it dawned on me. I do not want work-life balance. I want freedom-security balance. Bare with me as I explain the concept.
I have been chasing this elusive career dream for more than a decade. The dream where I get to do what I love, set my own schedule and reap massive financial rewards in return. Sounds too good to be true, right? Maybe. What I have learned though, is that I am not actually seeking a specific type of job, or schedule. What I am really seeking is freedom. Freedom to make my own schedule so that I can decide what priorities receive my attention and when. Freedom to work in the environments I choose with the people that I am drawn to. Freedom to answer to the demands of motherhood and my career in this crazy and wonderful season I find myself in. But this freedom I am talking about involves a measure of risk, even uncertainty. Starting your own business, or taking a leap of faith where career is concerned can be very scary. Tons of self doubt rises to the surface, and the very thought of being in charge of your own financial outlook goes from liberating to daunting, if not purely terrifying. There is a trade off for freedom to pursue autonomy in your career. In many ways, you are exchanging your security for this freedom to do and be and work on your own terms. A traditional 9-5 can be very confining and suffocating. But there is a measure of freedom that comes with this scenario. You have a predictable schedule, you know where and when you have to report to work everyday. That frees up time for you. Time that you do not have to spend planning out contacts, follow ups, business plans and schedules for your day, your week or your year. More than likely if you are working m-f/9-5 you are receiving a set amount of income every two weeks, or monthly. This ensures the freedom to make a predictable and repeatable budget which gives you the freedom to do the things you want and need to do. One of the largest trade-offs you have to make when taking the leap from employee to self-employed is the question of health benefits. The security of health benefits is one of the single greatest obstacles for many entrepreneurs or even people who want to work part time or flexible contract work. Likely, there is no single combination of freedom and security that works for every person. Even the same person may have different needs in the different seasons of their life. I find myself in a season where the health, safety and care of my family is my utmost highest concern. Caring for my beautiful baby girl, 6 year-old boy, rock star husband and the most loving (needy) dog on planet Earth has become a tremendous portion of my life's purpose. Providing for these dependents has also grown in importance. But motherhood is such that, while the demand for income rises, so does the demand on your time. All the moms out there can I get an 'AMEN'? With the considerable financial and emotional cost of putting the baby in daycare and running the rat race to be out of the house 11 hours everyday to rush home cook and do the nighttime routine with the kids...that is just madness. For me, doesn't add up financially, doesn't add up to time-well-spent. So I am working differently. I am taking a leap of faith. I am creating the working conditions that I want to have in my life, because I have yet to find one organization that will provide them for me. When answering the question, what is my ideal freedom-security balance? Each of us will have a different answer. For me, the future is wide open and free, and I am almost 100% sure the risk will be worth the reward. If you are interested in any of the small business ventures I am engaged in, or if you would like guidance in your career path, reach out in the comments or via email at [email protected]. There is always an answer to whatever problem you are facing. Sometimes you just need a little perspective. (Originally posted December 2016) If you're anything like me, within seconds of turning on the TV you are overwhelmed by the images of violence, destruction and conflict you see. Watching the news is out of the question if I hope to maintain a sense of calm and centeredness in my brain. But even in the most benign of television shows it can feel like we are bombarded with negativity. Apart from the occasional inspiring viral video about puppies who save their owners' lives or orphans who create a charity to feed other poor malnourished orphans, social media may be the scariest place of all. We live in trying times my friends. With all the war, hunger, famine, drought, disease, terrorism, corruption, death, strife, natural disasters, refugees, politics and conflict. Sometimes all the noise can get so loud that it is easy to forget that things have always been this way. Actually, if you study up on your history it probably won't take long for you to find a time in human history admittedly more trying than the present. For as long as human beings have existed on this planet, problems such as these have existed.
I am not trying to suggest that our time isn't plagued with ills of its own. Nor do I wish to downplay the grave struggles that a great deal of people are facing. The struggle is real people, this we know. Just maybe not as cataclysmic as we may believe in our fear addicted minds. Frightening world events and local tragedies are not happening on a more frequent basis. We are just exposed to them exponentially more in this day and age. The availability and cosumption of mass media is so pervasive that many of us in the developed world are dizzied by the horrors we are met with each time we tune in, log on and connect. This constant connectivity and unceasing coverage of events near and far leaves us in a mental tailspin, susceptible to anxiety, depression and great depths of despair. At times I am left wanting to bury my head in the sand. I even feel hypocritical telling my son he has no reason to be afraid of bad guys. Heck, sometimes I'm really afraid of the bad guys. Just like anything else though, I have to choose sanity over insanity, faith over fear. Seeing as the status quo won't be changing any time soon, I've borrowed a line from the serenity prayer and learned to accept that which I cannot change. How do I do that? Well I've contemplated the process and broken it down into 3 easy and repeatable steps. 1. Maybe I'm weird...okay I am definitely weird. But I find comfort in allowing my mind to go to the worst case scenario. So I am stuck in a movie theater with a gunman on a rampage. A mass pandemic sweeps the nation and I contract the deadly disease. There's an Earthquake and my house is sucked down deep into the core of the Earth. In 2020 Miley Cyrus runs for president AND wins. What is the worst case scenario? I die. Or even worse...a loved one dies. Or worse still, Miley Cyrus becomes president. (I kid, I kid...figured the post just needed some levity after all that tragedy) The point is, all of these travesties have no power over you when you confront the real fear behind the tragedy--death and suffering. 2. So how to overcome the fear of death and suffering? Faith! Have faith that no matter what bad things may happen, as long as I keep connected to God, He will give me the peace, comfort and strength to withstand anything. I know this because He has. He has always lived up to His promise, even beyond anything I could have asked for or believed possible. The key is in having an intimate relationship with the Creator. Not sure how to do this? Talk to Him, Her, It. Whatever feels natural for you. Once you have the relationship thing down, God can then act as the Great comforter, the redeemer, the healer, provider of peace that passes all human understanding. 3. Looking for a more practical application here? Good, I've got that for you too. Come back to the present moment. Where am I right now? Am I safe? Am I hungry? In pain, or comfortable? This is most certainly easier said than done. The human condition is such that we are constantly wallowing in our past and anxiously anticipating our future. A simple tool we yogis use to come back to the present moment is focusing on the breath. Bringing awareness to the breath not only cultivates mindfulness, but it can also be used to calm your senses, or heighten them, depending on how you breathe. Even when the present moment is uncomfortable, it is the only one that truly exists. When we dive in and surrender to each present moment, that is where our true life lives. We no doubt live in scary times, but we do not need to live in fear. Any time I feel fear and insecurity creeping in I remember these words: "So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 If you are struggling with what to make of this mad world we live in, I encourage you to reach out to a counseling professional, or at least the comfort of a good friend. I am also available for yoga infused lifestyle consultations to ease your struggle. Leave a comment or fill out the contact form to schedule yours today. Blessings to you and yours. Namaste (Originally posted January of 2017) The world has gone mad. I can feel it, the End Times are upon us. You just can't trust anyone these days. Do these sentiments sound familiar? They sure do to me. They've even echoed in my own mind from time to time. The doom and gloom of the current atmosphere is real and wide sweeping. It seems the norm to complain about how things are, while simultaneously drifting away into the past with rose colored glasses. I mean, I do it with the 90s all the time. The grunge & alternative, the plaid, the prosperity, landlines, Girl Talk. It is so easy to fall into this trap of replaying the highlight reel of the glory days while simultaneously missing out on all of the beauty the present moment is trying to offer us. In reality, right NOW is one of the best times to be alive. Ever. Period. Here's my top 5 reasons why:
Access to information Just like anything else this can be a double edged sword. We will save the dangers of free flowing, unchecked information and the insanity of the 24 hour news cycle for another post. Today's focus is all about appreciating the positive. I mean, when is the last time you stopped to appreciate how often you visit Dr. Google? Can't remember the name of that awesome movie with the actress you really love. IMDB it. Trying to explain where Syria is in relation to your home so that your child does not have to be afraid of war happening in your backyard? Google Earth. Curious about the quantum field and astrophysics? You can just hop onto the web and search away. Way back in the day before the age of internet (can you even remember it?), all of this information would have been stashed away in a library accessible only to those initiated into the world of Card Cataloging and the Dewy Decimal system. Of course there are issues with so much information accessible to us at our fingertips. But it is an amazing phenomenon to be a part of. Witnessing the information & technology revolution has been truly mind blowing. Innovative Technology While we are on the topic of the internet, we may as well take a moment to ponder the awesomeness of the technological developments of our day. I mean, 100 years ago there were NO phones, NO mass produced cars, NO commercial flights, hardly even electricity. We used to joke around as kids pretending we had watches that were secret phones like Inspector Gadget or Agent 86, Maxwell Smart--always sure that a phone could never fit on our wrists. Fast forward 25 years and I am wearing a phone that fits on my wrist. Spend any amount of time with children under 18 years of age and you will realize very quickly just how fast the innovations are coming. My 8th graders last year did not know what a CD player was. A CD PLAYER. We don't even need a device to play music anymore, these mini-computers we carry around in our pockets put the whole world at our finger tips, and music is no exception. I am constantly having this conversation with my son about the developments he will more than likely see in his lifetime--probably even mine. Uber is talking seriously about driverless cars. And the crazy thing is, I don't even think it's that crazy to entertain the notion! Flying cars won't be far behind. The Hyper Loop, if constructed, would carry passengers from NY to LA in 1 hour. Imagine the implications. We could live in NY, commute to a meeting in LA at 8 am be back to NY in time for lunch. As a species we are just at the beginning of our discoveries in science, technology, biology, ecology. You name it. The sky is the limit. Conversations about Ecology Speaking of ecology, I am well aware that we have a long way to go in terms of taking care of our planet and her resources. BUT. It has, in most circles, become a social taboo to NOT recycle. I mean, some counties have even begun to fine citizens for neglecting to recycle. Progress! The conversation around taking care of our environment is happening and it is expanding in scale. In 2015 the United Nations called together a summit on climate change in which 196 nations agreed to take measures to reduce global greenhouse emissions. Of course there are issues regarding the implementation of this agreement, and many would argue it is too little too late, but it is still progress none-the-less. I have seen CEOs of major corporations investing in innovative technologies that could transform salt water into clean, drinkable water. New and sustainable sources of energy are being developed daily. Harnessing the power of the sun, wind and ocean are just the beginning. Check out the CEO of 5 Hour Energy for some inspiration: Billions in Change We can build sustainable cities. We can correct the imbalances on our planet. We can tap into the abundant resources of this planet in a way that is more efficient, more sustainable and more equitable for everyone. And our abilities to do this are growing at exponential rates. Political Movements Right now the political climate in the USA feels more like a 3-ring circus than a well-oiled democratic republic, but bare with me for a moment. As a classroom teacher, I spent several years teaching history. Every time I got to the unit in which I taught about the 1960s my students would release a longing sigh, as if to say they wish they could be transported back in time to the psychedelic 60s. Every. Single. Time. With all of its glamour; the bell bottoms, Woodstock, the Civil Rights Movement, Watergate, Vietnam, air raid drills. What a harmonic and blissful time. Ummm, No. The appeal of the 1960s is the sweeping transformation and struggles of the decade. Debate about involvement in foreign conflicts, loss of faith in political leaders, the struggle for civil rights, intimidating and severe threats to the existence of the world as we know it, questionable fashion ( I mean what is athleisure anyway?). It all starts to look a little familiar when we break it down like this. Perhaps all of the conflict, and change and insecurity in this decade is part of its beauty. Maybe one day our kids, and their kids and maybe even their kids will look at us as icons, having survived that totally groovy decade, the twenty-teens. New & Emerging Fields All of this access to information and technology, and the exponentially rapid pace of development in the information age has given birth to brand new fields of study and occupation. 100 years ago Information Technology (IT) didn't even exist. Now it is one of the most popular professions. Web development? Biochemical, biomedical, biotechnical engineers? Satellite and x-ray technicians. Astronaut. All relatively new professions in the grand scheme of things. Yet, if you had told old Jedediah Smith in 1870 that one day you would fly into outer space attached to a tremendous rocket, he first would have asked what a rocket was, then he would have handed you a stiff drink to treat your mental situation. All of this of course begs the question; what professions and areas of study are on the horizon? Deep space exploration? Anti-matter and anti-gravity studies? Teleportation specialist? Organic limb regenerating physician? Deep sea city developer? Who knows! The possibilities are limited only by our imaginations and our capacity toward cooperation. So don't believe the haters, the nay-sayers, the dooms-day-preppers when they tell you things are worse than ever. Because I have got a pretty sound argument that we are doing just fine, and the best is yet to come. What is your favorite thing about the time we have been assigned to this place we call Earth? Drop a line in the comments below, I'd love to hear from you. Namaste (Originally posted in February of 2017) If you have been watching the newest television sensation, This is Us, then you will remember the sour pill Jack and Rebecca are forced to swallow in the first episode. Now, I don't want to spoil it for those of you who still may want to watch the show but haven't joined the party yet (and I strongly recommend you do), but it is in that first episode that Jack receives profound wisdom from the doctor treating his laboring wife. He leaves Jack with this, "you take the sourest lemon that life has to offer, and you turn it into something resembling lemonade." This to me is the key to maintaining peace, gratitude and contentment on our journeys.
Interestingly, yesterday as I was flipping mindlessly through the TV channels, I was reminded of a movie that offers us the same insight. You may have guessed it from the title, the epic 90s fan favorite Cool Runnings. You may recall that Derice Bannock, the main character, is preparing for the race of his life. He is about to run for the Olympic trials to join Jamaica in their race for the gold. In one of the first scenes in the movie Derice calls to his wife "this is my time," as he gears up for the trials. Little does he know that this huge moment will also end up being one of his greatest disappointments. On race day, one of his competitors--we come to know lovingly as Junior--trips, falls and takes Derice and Yul Benner down with him. While Yul Brenner responds with a pungent rage, Derice shakes off his initial disappointment and turns lemons into something resembling lemonade. If you don't remember how he does that, watch the movie. It really is a classic. Many times we get so hung up on the negative or challenging things that come our way, we forget to look for the silver linings. Biologically it isn't really our fault. We are hardwired to avoid pain and move toward pleasure. But sometimes, discomfort and even pain can benefit us tremendously. Especially when that discomfort is the result of our trying to serve one of our brothers or sisters. Allow me to give you an example. The other day I had just finished teaching a beginner yoga class. I typically stick around afterward and take the next instructor's mindfulness yoga class. The studio where I teach does not keep loaner yoga mats, and one woman walked in looking particularly upset by this reality. Noticing this, and feeling obligated to offer as a member of the staff, I gave up my mat so that she could practice on one. I fully accepted the fact that this would mean I practiced on bare hardwood floors. I was okay with that, as long as I got to stay for the class. This particular yoga mat was not that great anyway. Whenever I am traveling to studios or events to teach, I bring one of my less valuable mats in the event that my scatter-brain forgets it(I have already lost 2 mats due to this character flaw to-date). So the lavender, thin, worn out mat was loaned out and I settled in to begin practice. Before I even began to warm-up, the instructor of this class--having noticed that I lent out my mat-- gave me hers. And if there was a 5 star, luxury rating scale for yoga mats, this mat would have been a 6. It was double the thickness of my puny mat. It was spongy, but firm and the texture of the mat made it so that my hands and feet did not slide at all for the duration of the class. This scenario reminds me of a powerful verse from scripture. "Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours," Isaiah 61:5. I, like many, refer to this verse as the double for your trouble verse. Many times, when we are willing to sacrifice on behalf of others, we receive a double blessing to compensate us for our giving, if inconvenienced hearts. Admittedly there are times, when situations are so awful, they appear irredeemable. Nothing can reverse, or substitute for the pain and emptiness experienced at the death of a loved one. But we do have the power to choose ur focus. Surely we need to feel the full range of emotions we experience during a time of tragedy. If you look closely enough however, there is always a silver lining we can focus on. Recently, after the death of my grandfather with whom I was very close, I was heartbroken. In the midst of that pain I was simultaneously blown away by the way in which our entire extended family came together to honor him and make new memories together. We had not ever before all been in one place at the same time without other people present. This was a special, intimate time for our extended family to bond over our common joy at having loved our grandfather and our common pain at having lost him. So the question remains, how exactly do we turn lemons into lemonade. I typically move through a 4 step process every time life hands me a sour lemon. Here is my process: 1. Confront the problem head on 2. Feel ALL the feels 3. Choose your focus 4 Take action where appropriate Life really is what you make it. We all have the choice to take the sourest lemon and turn it into something resembling lemonade. If you are going through a tough time and could use some perspective, I would love to talk with you. You can connect with me at our Contact page. Never be ashamed to reach out and talk to a professional if life is throwing you more lemons than you can handle. Sometimes the greatest sign of strength is in holding up your white flag, and seeking out the help that you need. May you find the blessing in the burden and turn your lemons into lemonade with ease. Abundant blessings to you, Namaste (This piece was originally posted in February of 2017) |
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